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Monday, January 7, 2013

Route 66 Road Trip

Today we  celebrated our  annivarsary by taking a little drive on Route 66.  Our original plan was to head to Claremore and eat at the Hammett House Restaurant.  I have been wanting something new to blog about and finally remembered to take my camera along.  We got as far as Afton and thought I'd better call ahead and make sure they were open, to our dismay the man who answered the phone said sorry closed on Monday's.  So there was a place in Vanita we had heard about so I called to get directions and found out it had burned, it was the Chuck Wagon Restaurant, so our planc C was Clanton's also in Vanita which I had written about before.  We knew the food would be great so weren't really dissapointed. So we pulled into Clanton's at 11:30, goody we will beat the rush!  We chose a quiet spot in the extra dining area and ordered.  I got the days special Swiss Steak with mashed potatoes, green beans, salad.  Darrell Lee ordered the Chicken Fried Steak which is what they are famous for and chose the same sides, and they brought two good hot rolls & butter.  Everything was AWSOME and we decided to finish by splitting a piece of chocolate pie, which was topped with whipped cream.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

Yesterday we ended up showing some property at Woodland Shores on Grand Lake.  Deciding we wanted to eat some lunch before heading home, our plan was to go back to Pensacola Pizza at Langley but the couple I was showing the house to assured us that Gambinos in Ketchum was so much better so since it was closer we decided to check it out.  Well we were disapointed.  To start with it wasn't very clean.  The cashier was all of 12 years old and her friend was kinda just following her around.  They sat down and played withtheir cell phones in between orders, while walking over trash in the floor the whole time we were there.  The cook had a golf game on in the kitchen and seemed oblivious to what was going on in the dining room.  All in all the Italian sandwiches we had weren't bad, but having to look at rolled up carpet and boxes stacked in the corners, made you feel like you were in the back storeroom. We probably wont be going back there! Hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Blood work

It's been a week since I got the bad news on my cholesterol. yep 300 not a good number. And that was after 6 months of niacin, vit e, and a few other ideas.  So now I am at a crossroad.  Medication or stroke.  I am a Flylady fan and have heard about her HFD (high fat diet) her and Leanne are on so I decided to study up on that.  I bought a jar of coconut oil and have been enjoying it's delicious taste daily now ffor the past week,along with rubbing it all over my body. I can truthfully say my hunger has greately diminished, which is kind of a wierd thing for me,  cause I am always hungry.  So gonna give the HFD a try and see what happens.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Getting Back to The Blog!

Wow, can't believe I have neglected this blog so long.  Life has a way of keeping me too busy to do the things I really want to do.  I want to be a writer when I grow up (I'm 56). Nobody really knows that about me.  But I already have titles picked out for my books, Ha!  Gonna try and do better!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Clanton's Cafe on Historical Route 66

My hubby surprised me with a short road trip to Vanita, Ok for our anniversary.  Clanton's Cafe has been on Diners, Drive In's and Dives.  They have world famous chicken fried steak which is what we ordered.  We chose the salad with home made Thousand Island dressing, it was awsome, and green beans which were served pretty and green looked like fresh, but could it be?  Oh and a huge dollop of mashed potatoes smothered in cream gravy that ooozed over on to the huge crispy fried steak.  Mouth watering whole wheat rolls on the side and the meal was complete.  We did take home three pieces of pie for later, coconut & chocolate with whipped cream topping, and lemon with meringue, they were all wonderful!  We decided that we would try and make it back before another year rolls around.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Holiday Foods

We had a wonderful meal prepared by daughters Kellie and Lindsey.  It was late, around 3:00 pm before we got to eat, because we had to wait for my new granddaughter and her mother Kodi to get dismissed from the hospital.  There was Butterball Soup simmering on the stove and lots of other finger foods to enjoy.  I had made the Ruby Red Cheesecake which is a standing order on Christmas Eve. It was so nice to be together as a family and relax after a hectic week!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Searching For Good Food In Out Of The Way Places

I am a self- proclaimed foodie. Our idea of fun is jumping in the car and traveling to a Mom and Pop restraunt that we have read about and ordering their specialty and see what we get and how we like it.  If I'm at home I like to try new recipes and serve them to friends and family.