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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

Yesterday we ended up showing some property at Woodland Shores on Grand Lake.  Deciding we wanted to eat some lunch before heading home, our plan was to go back to Pensacola Pizza at Langley but the couple I was showing the house to assured us that Gambinos in Ketchum was so much better so since it was closer we decided to check it out.  Well we were disapointed.  To start with it wasn't very clean.  The cashier was all of 12 years old and her friend was kinda just following her around.  They sat down and played withtheir cell phones in between orders, while walking over trash in the floor the whole time we were there.  The cook had a golf game on in the kitchen and seemed oblivious to what was going on in the dining room.  All in all the Italian sandwiches we had weren't bad, but having to look at rolled up carpet and boxes stacked in the corners, made you feel like you were in the back storeroom. We probably wont be going back there! Hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend.

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