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Monday, January 7, 2013

Route 66 Road Trip

Today we  celebrated our  annivarsary by taking a little drive on Route 66.  Our original plan was to head to Claremore and eat at the Hammett House Restaurant.  I have been wanting something new to blog about and finally remembered to take my camera along.  We got as far as Afton and thought I'd better call ahead and make sure they were open, to our dismay the man who answered the phone said sorry closed on Monday's.  So there was a place in Vanita we had heard about so I called to get directions and found out it had burned, it was the Chuck Wagon Restaurant, so our planc C was Clanton's also in Vanita which I had written about before.  We knew the food would be great so weren't really dissapointed. So we pulled into Clanton's at 11:30, goody we will beat the rush!  We chose a quiet spot in the extra dining area and ordered.  I got the days special Swiss Steak with mashed potatoes, green beans, salad.  Darrell Lee ordered the Chicken Fried Steak which is what they are famous for and chose the same sides, and they brought two good hot rolls & butter.  Everything was AWSOME and we decided to finish by splitting a piece of chocolate pie, which was topped with whipped cream.

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