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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Blood work

It's been a week since I got the bad news on my cholesterol. yep 300 not a good number. And that was after 6 months of niacin, vit e, and a few other ideas.  So now I am at a crossroad.  Medication or stroke.  I am a Flylady fan and have heard about her HFD (high fat diet) her and Leanne are on so I decided to study up on that.  I bought a jar of coconut oil and have been enjoying it's delicious taste daily now ffor the past week,along with rubbing it all over my body. I can truthfully say my hunger has greately diminished, which is kind of a wierd thing for me,  cause I am always hungry.  So gonna give the HFD a try and see what happens.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Getting Back to The Blog!

Wow, can't believe I have neglected this blog so long.  Life has a way of keeping me too busy to do the things I really want to do.  I want to be a writer when I grow up (I'm 56). Nobody really knows that about me.  But I already have titles picked out for my books, Ha!  Gonna try and do better!